
Ultra-floor elevator system selection

In the high-rise building, the fast, efficient, smooth vertical service is indispensable. Elevator equipment as a vertical transport, its number of configurations, the selected control mode and related parameters will not only directly affect the building of an investment in elevator invest about 10% of total investment in the building), but will also affect buildings the use of safety and operational quality of service ......

Key words:High-rise building  Elevator system  Select application

First.  High-rise elevator configuration

In the high-rise building, the proper selection of the numbers of elevator, capacity, speed, control is very important, and once selected and elevator installation in a building almost become a permanent fact, if you want to increase or modification after is very difficult, even impossible, therefore, in the design should be in the beginning of the design configuration of the elevator should be full attention.

Generation of ultra-high-rise buildings, mostly in about 100 floors, large population movements in the building, the key longitudinal transport depends on elevators, efficient elevator design of high-rise building elevator is to use a variety of local elevator service, and the local area of the elevator system organized. Access to these local area, by the ground station to the originating local area air fast shuttle between lobby elevator service, air passenger arrival lobby then transfer to local elevators. To be able to transport passengers to reach their destinations as fast, generally every 30 to 35 layer construction is a local area.  

Super high-rise elevator in the configuration should pay attention to the following:

1.Limited numbers of viable elevator lift is a single group 8 units.

2.Number of floors located above each elevator floor area (office) should not exceed 15 to 16 layers (double layer is 18 to 20 floors)

3.A typical office building elevator load is single: 1350,1600 and 1800kg. Double is: 1350/1350; 1600/1600; 1800 / 1800kg.

4.Typical air corridor / sightseeing story elevator load 2040/ 2250/ 2500kgs.

5.The vertical acceleration of the elevator at 0.9 ~ 1.5m /s.

6.Elevator emphasis on speed to overcome a long stroke; a typical non-elevator speed gearbox is: 2.5,3.5,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0m / s, etc.

7.Traction elevator longest stroke 600m.

Second.Layer super high-rise elevator control system
Since the high-rise building multi-elevator system, in order to improve the efficiency of the elevator group, with the fastest speed to meet the needs of passengers and shorten the waiting time of passengers, should be used to this end microcomputer elevator control system, processing large amounts of information through the computer control system in a timely manner various state judging information of each call and each elevator platform, directions, opening and closing state, call the car so as to improve transport capacity, improve service quality, enhance economic efficiency over the building.

Elevator group control microcomputer system mainly has the following aspects:

1.Each stop of the car cabin before it reaches the site should slow down,and forced slow down before it reaches the ends of the platform, stop and avoid the red top hit bottom, in order to ensure safety.

2.The passengers inside the car to reach the site by registering as a response signal lights, slow down before reaching the designated site parking, elimination number, and respond to registered signals call of waiting passengers.

3.Full load by pass, only the passengers in the car parked in the designated site.

4.When the car reaches a certain load from the platform, another platform call, the car with another car traveling in the same direction relatively to each layer distance call, the calling station arrived recently, and elimination No.

5.End platform passengers call, call the low-end car and the nearest platform of the empty car service.

6.In each car platform to set the display position of the platform passengers forecast eliminate passengers anxious mood, while allowing passengers to move in advance to the transponder elevator, to shorten waiting time.

7.After answering a landing call is registered, the car arrived at the site should have a voice to remind passengers waiting ladder.

8.Operation of the car scans the site of the deceleration point, according to the car or whether the site to decide whether to call parking.

9.Call passenger car platform, the same platform can provide elevator service to all transponders respond.

10.The control room make elevator group classification, the number of single-layer and double-stop-stop several layers, all elevators are in end station as the end point, in the middle of the hall, the singular layer station call double layers of the platform of the car, do not register the control room, without response.

11.Intermediate landing call elevators do not register, do not respond.

12.Complete car transport task, without instructions or call signal to perform other services, the elevator stop at the station, the car door open, waiting for the other call signal.

13.Control system monitor the status of the elevator control system in time, while scanning each station's call status.

Third.Ultra-high-rise high-rise elevator system power supply

Super high-rise elevators powered systems are generally configured two independent power supply to ensure that the elevator electricity to prevent power interruptions elevator leaving passengers stranded in the elevator traveling. When all the way to power failure or maintenance, another way Power Automatic. If an accident or a wide area of the second power outage can not supply, then the power supply system should be converted to the third power, high-rise a third supply is generally supplied from a diesel generator. When the third power supply also fails, and only rely on battery power, the battery will give the general public access requirements for each floor to provide emergency lighting and emergency power, the remaining power to the elevator, and the elevator can be maintained to continue to work.

Fourth.Elevator grounding system
After modern Elevator reference computer control system, elevator grounding system becomes complicated. It includes signal ground, safety ground lightning protection and grounding protection.

Fifth.Elevator weak system
In addition to the device itself with an elevator and some weak and various monitoring devices, in general, there are provided in the elevator car and the elevator machine room and duty room can intercom hot-line and emergency bell and other electronic equipment. Which features more than one elevator group control of the buildings also has run accident dashboard for monitoring elevator anomalies and emergency operations. Many of the buildings are now using a lot of computer systems, such as building automation system (BAS), fire alarm linkage control system (FAS), security monitoring system (SAS), these control systems have to achieve control of the elevator, its purpose is to strengthen the elevator management, improve elevator usage, reduce energy consumption, providing people with comfortable, efficient and safe environment.

