
What is Fireman’s elevator?

Firemans elevator is a type of passenger elevator which enables firefighters to use in order to rescue people who may be trapped on upper floors during an event of fire in the building.Firemans elevators are typically a normal passenger or service/freight elevators,and they have the firemans service mode activated by a key-switch or a toggle switch.
Firemans elevator is identified by a sign or mark says FIREMENT LIFT,FIREMANS LIFT,FIREMANS ELEVATORS or FIRE LIFT.
In Australia,some firemans elevators have a elevator design to allow passengers to use them as part of fire evacuation procedures.They are known as Protected elevators,and have to meet extra standards and reinforcement to keep passengers safe in an emergency.

Requirement for firemans elevator
1.At least 680ks(9 persons) capacity.
2.At least 1.1m width and 1.2m depth of the car.
3.At least 800mm width and 2m height for doors.
4.Elevator doors must be automatic closed.
5.Any doors and gates locked with key is prohibited unless they can unlock when the firemans service mode active.
6.Only 3 firemans elevators or less can be accommodated in the same shaft and cannot accommodate any normal commercial elevators.(Which cannot active the firemans service mode).
7.Two power supply is needed,normal and emergency power generator.
8.Firemans elevator must be finished in whole trip within one minute.

How it works
1.Active by a key-switch
Firemans elevator operates in two phases.In phase one,activated smoke detectors or hallway key-switches direct elevators to go to a fire recall floor.Elevators traveling away from this designated landing reverse direction and proceed without stopping.
Upon reaching the designated landing,passengers are able to exit the elevator and building safety.The elevators are then removed from normal service.Once removed from normal service,the elevators will no longer accept car or hall calls.
During phase two,once the elevator has reached its designated landing and all passengers are safety evacuated,firefighters can take exclusive control of the elevator equipment using a special service key-switch.This mode of fire service allows firefighters to continue to utilize the elevator for rescue people from other floors.

2.Active by a toggle switch
Firemans elevator operates in one phase only.If the toggle switch active,the designated firemans elevator will go to a fire recall floor.Elevators traveling away from this designated landing reverse direction and proceed without stopping.Upon reaching the designated landing,passengers are able to exit the elevator and building safely.The elevators are then removed from normal service.Once removed from normal service,the elevators will no longer accept hall calls.When the firefighters get in the elevator will dont need to use a special firefighters service key-switch because it already active by a toggle switch.This mode of Fire service allows firefighters to continue to utilize the elevator to rescue people form other floors because it will stop at the nearest floor by the firemen registered and call canceled automatically.

If you are looking for an elevator manufacturer with firemans elevator.
SAFE ELEVATOR will make you satisfied.http://safeelevator.net.

