
MRL elevator and small machine room elevator

The machine room less elevators,move the controller,traction machine and speed governor to the top or side of the shaft,then to instead the traditional machine room.
The machine room less elevator is relative to the elevator have machine room.That is to say, the use of modern production technology in the engine room equipment as far as possible to maintain the original performance of the premise of miniaturization.Then to satisfied the height and special request of customers.

The dis-advantages of MRL elevator-machine roomless elevator
1.Save the space
2.Because there is no need of machine room, it is better for the building structure and the total construction cost of the elevator is much lower.(Although the elevator cost is a little higher.)
3.Due to the special nature of the overall design of some antique architectural complex and the requirements for the roof,the elevator problem must be solved in an effective height.Machine roomless elevator to meet the needs of such buildings.
4.Somewhere not easy to set up the elevator machine room places, such as hotels, hotel affiliated buildings, podium building etc.

The dis-advantages of MRL elevator
1.Noise,vibration and limitations of use
The host machine normally set up on the car top,and connected through the guide wheel.The influence of the noise is very big,and the noise must be digested in the shaft, plus the brake voice, the voice of the fan will be enlarged.

2.The comfort of the MRL elevator is obviously weaker
The rigid connection of the host machine, the resonance phenomenon inevitably reached the car and the guide rail, which impact on car and guide rail is relatively large, and make less comfortable.So the speed can not be more than 1.75m/s and capacity not over 1150kgs.High load high-speed lift, passenger elevator with machine room is significantly better than the MRL elevator.

3.Temperature influence
The elevator always cause a large amount of heat,and now National standard in the room temperature, exhaust air has a clear regulation.
The main heating components, such as the host of the engine room, are in the shaft.
Because there is no corresponding cooling and exhaust facilities, which leads to the temperature of the inorganic room elevator to the main engine and control cabinet.
In particular, the whole transparent sightseeing ladder is not suitable for the MRL elevator, the elevator can not exhaust the heat gathered.

4.Trouble repair and rescue
Machine room less elevator maintenance and management is not so convenient.
The traction machine is installed on the beam, and the main engine is in the shaft,So in the maintenance of the elevator ,machine room type have an absolute advantage.
In addition, in terms of personnel rescue, the inorganic room elevator is also very troublesome.Once the power failure, the emergency power supply must be installed, the general emergency power supply of the elevator needs to be put into a lot of funds.

