
Why should you invest in a home elevator

  Convenience and Safety

You can't imagine how much a home elevator will upgrade your life until you experience owning one. No more struggling up two flights of stairs at the end of a long day with bulky packages or luggage; no more feeling your way downstairs while carrying something so large you can't see where you're going. Residential home elevator  is not just for the elderly or disabled; they're perfect for any homeowner who is concerned about efficiency, convenience, and most of all, safety for the family.


If you are one of the many people with physical mobility challenges, you already know the value of elevators and similar accessibility devices in public facilities. Your own home should be one place you don't have to worry about moving around effortlessly, no matter where you want to go in your house, or how often. A residential elevator will give you maximum mobility with minimum effort throughout the levels of your home.

Building Costs

A home elevator pre-planned into your new house will enable you to build taller without worrying about long flights of stairs. It's commonly known that building upward is less expensive than building outward to achieve the same square footage. The savings on your foundation size and roof area will help to offset the cost of an elevator, plus pay maintenance dividends for years to come. You may find that the savings in the home design alone will more than offset the cost of the elevator installation.

Planning For The Long-Term

Perhaps there's a elderly relative who may one day have to move in with you, or a disabled friend who will need access your home. Maybe you're concerned about your own future challenges and want to make sure you can always live independently in your own house. Or, you might be thinking about home resale value for your heirs when the time comes. For any of these eventualities, a home elevator is the smart choice for the long-term. It increases the value and utility of your home, but most importantly, it increases your safety, enjoyment, and peace of mind for as long as you live there.

Adding an elevator to an existing building

Think you don't have space for a home elevator? You might be surprised. We have experience in finding ways to fit a home elevator in with even the most restrictive floor plan.Below is an animated example of a classic problem and solution. Here we have a townhouse with little interior space for an elevator. Since there's no footprint within the building, we create one outside it using an exterior shaft. Our company can make the elevator design as you like.Just visit our website for further reference. 

