
Elevator types according to the signal control

Elevator types according to the signal control

1.Handle switch control elevator

The driver rotation handle position (open / closed) to control the elevator running or stop.This kind of elevator is very rare to see now.

2.Button control elevator

Push the elevator button to control the operation of the inner layer station.When push the call button in a service floor,then the elevator starts to run to respond and stop at this floor.
During the operation of the elevator, if there are other layer station call button press,the system can only keep the signal down, not to answer, but also cannot take the elevator stopped.Until the elevator is completed all the response to the operation of the station before,then the station can respond to other layer station call signal. It is generally used for dumbwaiters or small elevators.

3.Signal control elevator

Signal control elevator collected the call signal of each layer of station,the call signal which is consistent with the running direction of the elevator is arranged in order and the elevator will stop at these floors to pick up the passengers.
Elevator operator is controlled by elevator operator,and the elevator will stop at any level station by the car call button signal or hall button signal.

4.Selective collected control elevator

It is based on the signal control,and collected all the call signal to have a choice of response.The elevator is no driver,can automatically respond to call signal of all the layers in the same direction when the elevator is running.And if no call signal,elevator will stand by at the base station.
In order to adapt to the characteristics of this control,the elevator designs with the door protection device and overload protection device with safety contact plate.
Now most of the commercial elevators and residential elevators are selective collected control mode.

5. Parallel control elevator

Parallel control elevator sharing a set of call signal system,make the two or three sets elevators with same size in parallel to control.
If no passengers use the elevator, often have a lift dock at the base station, the lift is called the base elevator.And the others stop at the pre -selected layer station,we call it flexible elevator.

6.Group control elevator

High rise building with multiple elevators, is divided into several groups, each group of 8 - 3 sets of elevators.The elevators in each group share a signal system.By the elevator group control system, elevator operation coordination with each other, in order to improve the service performance of the elevator system.
Good elevator group control system will keep the most appropriate way to answer call signal based on different passenger traffic demand in the building.

